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Relationship Capital
Relationship Capital makes intangible relationships tangible and material, so they become the cornerstone of true wealth. In this book, Dr. Carlos shows us a true masterclass of how we can have more effective and better relationships; and the neuroscience behind of what it is to relate ourselves with others, all using the Play of Life.
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Holidays Can Kill! Really?
How to properly prepare for the vacation you deserve This short book, Dr. Carlos addresses an issue we rarely talk about, how to prepare for a vacation and shares how important it is to prepare for a healthy holiday. The key point he presents is that a vacation should not start when we arrive at our destination but much before. It depends on our mental, physical, and spiritual warm-up.He introduces key points from biology that help us understand why times of recreation and joy can turn into stress and tension and make the holiday not as enjoyable as it should be.
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A 3D method to fast-track insight & behavioural modification for a happier life at work & at home. All Play of Life courses, articles and apps in one place.
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